Wednesday, March 18, 2020
By clicking into this post I assume you are familiar with the acronym “ SEO” and are looking to find out more about Search Engine Optimisation and how it can improve your businesses online performance.
In short, implementation of an SEO strategy will increase your visibility on the web. By indexing your site and using consumer insights to generate SEO rich content you will be able to increase your website traffic and thus encourage conversions whether that is online sales, downloads, enquiries, sign-ups or whatever your CTA (call to action) may be.
Like most industries, the field of digital marketing can be extremely competitive and you may receive very conflicting advice on SEO.
From qualified experience and knowledge, we can professionally advise on some things you can do and what to avoid to ensure your business is on track with SEO.
Do your research on keywords and search terms
Ensure your website is mobile-friendly
Include quality SEO rich content
Check your site speed
Get your website indexed on Google and use Google My Business asap
Purchase backlinks
Black Hat SEO
Keyword Stuffing
If you are working with an external agency that mentions purchasing backlinks or keyword stuffing we would advise against using them. We have come across too many businesses that have had negative experiences with agencies which have sold them a lie. SEO is not a quick win, it takes knowledge, skill and perseverance to get real results with this. I should emphasise that a SEO strategy is not essential to business success, but in this digital age visibility online is a fantastic opportunity. Simply making a lovely looking website just isn't enough - the internet is far too busy. We work with a range of business, delivering carefully planned SEO techniques and the increase in business conversions and are happy to provide free advice to anybody looking to ramp up their digital marketing presence.